Body Treatments

  • Cellulite
  • Stretch marks
  • Maximus
  • Varicose
  • Figure shaping
  • Endermology
  • Skin tightening
  • Lipomassage;
  • Tripolar radio frequency (Pollogen).
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The term cellulite refers to the appearance of skin (orange peel) that some people have on their hips, thighs and buttocks, arms and even chest.

Cellulite is generally considered a cosmetic problem. The characteristic appearance of cellulite is enough to confirm that the condition is present.

Cellulite is more common in women than in men because of differences in the way fat, muscle and connective tissue are distributed in the skin of men and women. Having a family history of cellulite is another risk factor, pregnancy and an inactive lifestyle can increase the risk of developing cellulite. This problem can begin at puberty and is not easily treated.

If exercise and diet are no longer effective, in our clinic we can help you either by :

  • Endermology;
  • Lipomassage;
  • Tripolar radio frequency (Pollogene).
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Stretch marks

Stretch marks are long, narrow stripes or lines that develop on the skin. They occur when the skin is suddenly stretched and extremely common. Anyone can develop stretch marks, although they tend to affect more women than men.

They can occur on a range of body parts, including the stomach, thighs, hips, breasts, arms and lower back. This type of scarring occurs when the skin cannot return to its normal shape after a period of intense growth, often due to pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss or puberty. Over 50% of women experience stretch marks during pregnancy.

Fresh (red) stretch marks are more likely to be treated and lightened than old (white) ones. In our clinic, we have different methods to treat all stretch marks:

  • Mesotherpy;
  • Laser;
  • Radio frequency;
  • Creams.
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La prévention

Les vergetures ne peuvent pas toujours être évitées.
Cependant, les étapes suivantes peuvent aider à réduire le risque:

  • Maintenez un poids santé;
  • Évitez les régimes yo-yo;
  • Mangez une alimentation équilibrée riche en vitamines et minéraux
  • Consommer une quantité appropriée de vitamines A et C peut aider à soutenir la peau, ainsi que les minéraux de zinc et de silicium;
  • Visez un gain de poids lent et progressif pendant la grossesse;
  • Buvez de six à huit verres d’eau chaque jour.


  • Figure shaping;
  • Skin tightening.
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Treatment of varicose veins by laser

  • The laser selectively targets the blood vessels and allows them to be closed or coagulated
  • As a result of the treatment, the vessels are naturally eliminated by the body over a period of a few days
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Medical and Aesthetic Clinic

Body Treatments

To make an appointment or simply for a question, please fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

3298 Taschereau Boulevard, Greenfield Park, QC J4V 2H6

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